Calls for papers in your subject area

Calls for papers in your subject area

Did you know you can find out which journals are requesting papers for a specific theme or topic?

Simply select your categories with our handy tool to get started.

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How to format your manuscript: layout guide

How should you format your article before submitting for publication?

Our layout guide has everything you need to know, including downloadable templates.

Check out the guide and templates
Ready to submit? Find out with our checklist

By the time you’re ready to submit your paper to a journal, there are a lot of things you’ll need to have checked, understood, and incorporated into your article.

Don’t miss a thing and download our handy checklist to speed up the submission process.

Get your checklist for submission
Plagiarism, peer review, authorship & more: our editorial policies

Before your submit an article to one of our journals, it’s important you take a look at our editorial policies.

Our guide helps you understand key areas such as research ethics, citations, plagiarism, and competing interests.

Take a look at our editorial policies